Mar 27, 2013

Birthday Episode: On the Pathway to the "Jannah" (Part 3: Mira's)

Posted by Nidya Flo at 2:48:00 PM
Yaiiyyyy...... We come to the next awesome day. And... the crown goes to our big sista Mira a.k.a. Aira, kkkkk, the oldest, sexiest girl ever ^o^
Well..well.. Happy blessed Aira!! >u<

 Our lovely big sista ^^

The 2nd free lunch in our "dining room".

And for the celebration, we moved to the pathway to the "Jannah".


"Thanks for the gift, guys. I'll keep them well"

Adorable cake~~ Too sweet to eat TT__TT"

Yaaaiiiiiyyy,,, I got it!! Blowing candle ritual ^^
Sowoneul Malhaebwa~~~~~*sing*

 Cut them prettily, Mir~~

Hmmm... as expected... Yummy :D

Haaa...... thank you, Mir. Thanks for the lunch, thanks for the cake. We can't wait to suck another pretty cake of yours..... See ya ^^


  1. again, I am be the first commenter

    yeah, that was the sexiest day ever . . . :D

  2. the last photo i didn't appear...!!



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